ISSN: 2178-0463
Qualis: A2
Area: Geography
Geosaberes is a UFC Extension Project (registration no. 2020.PJ.0217/2024).
GEOSABERES, a journal associated with the Graduate Program in Geography at the Federal University of Ceará, seeks to offer space for the dissemination of research in the area of Geography. Created in 2010, the journal adopts a base made available by IBICT (SEER / OJS).
Mission: To be a vehicle for the dissemination of research in the area of Geography (Physical and Human), Environmental Sciences and other related sciences.
Target audience: Researchers in the field of Geography, Environmental Sciences and related fields.
Objectives: To strengthen the promotion in electronic media of dense investigations, with consolidated results, and that contribute to the dissemination of scientific knowledge.
Issues in the geographic field, environmental sciences and the like, involving investigations in the urban, rural, cultural, geopolitical, cartographic, climatic, geological, geomorphological, pedological fields, environmental planning, protected areas and environmental impacts.
GEOSABERES use the Double Blind Peer Review in its evaluation process, where the omission of the identities of authors and reviewers in the original opinion is applied.
Since 2020 with continued publication, with the launch of articles every month of the year
GEOSABERES offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle that providing free scientific knowledge to the public provides greater global democratization of knowledge. It is in this sense that the journal constantly seeks to improve accessibility to articles published here.
GEOSABERES use the LOCKSS system to create a file system distributed among participating libraries and allows them to create permanent journal files for preservation and restoration. Know more...
GEOSABERES makes use of DOI ® (Digital Object Identifier System), through the association with CrossRef.
In the case of a close relationship with people, institutions or places, attention must be increased to avoid a conflict of interest. In the art of evaluating a manuscript, involving authors and proofreaders, GEOSABERES presses from its editorship for the establishment of a policy to avoid involving people to maintain personal relationships, friendship or adversity, as well as involving people and Institutions.
This procedure aims to give reliability to the process of analysis of the submitted material, with consequent increase of the credibility of the published articles. In this sense, the authors and reviewers are requested to contact the Editorial Board of the Journal in case it is evident:
- Personal and institutional links and conflicts (of a family and party character) between reviewers and authors;
- Financial support obtained in the development of the work and to focus on reading that could impair the reliability of the material produced.
WEB OF SCIENCE: by Clarivate Analytics.
REDALYC: Network of Scientific Journals of Latin America and the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal.
DIALNET: System of diffusion of the Hispanic and Latin American scientific production.
LATINDEX: Regional Online Information System for Scientific Scientific Journal of Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal.
REDIB: Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico system. Note: REDIB has replaced E-Journals since 2015.
SUMÁRIOS.ORG: Summaries of Brazilian Journals.
RCAAP: Portuguese Open Access Scientific Repository.
EBSCO: Supplier of a database of scientific papers (USA).
ERIH PLUS: European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences.
DRJI: Directory of Research Journals Indexing.
DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals.
DIADORIM: Directory of Editorial Policies for Brazilian Scientific Journals.
CITEFACTOR: Directory indexing of international research journals
Journal on the CAPES Newspaper Portal
Journal included in the UFC Institutional Repository
Note: GEOSABERES allows the simultaneous publication in systems of institutional repositories, with authorship recognition and initial publication in this journal.
In order to ensure optimal placement of the submitted article and to facilitate research with the new tools, special attention should be given at the moment of indication of the keywords (see more details in the Submission Indexing information), with a choice of those representative of the content of the work .
The originals will be published preferably in English. GEOSABERES also publishes works in Portuguese, Spanish and French.
Please be advised that Geosaberes does not charge any kind of fee or charge, either for readers or authors. This Journal is maintained by the Federal University of Ceará and does not receive financing for its maintenance.
Please be advised that any article submitted for publication must be original and unpublished (it should not have been previously published in another scientific journal), nor should it have been sent simultaneously in other journals.
GEOSABERES requires from its collaborators that they comply with ethical conduct and good editorial practices. For this, plagiarism, autoplagia will not be accepted (CopySpider and Plagium services will be used to detect plagiarism in submissions), as well as conflicts of interest, duplicity of submission, ethics of videos and photos and ownership of content will be observed. By submitting the articles to the journal, they are aware that they are not infringing any unethical conduct and are responsible for their actions and practices undertaken with GEOSABERES. Regarding ethical conduct, please consult the ELSEVIER recommendations.
The Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement by GEOSABERES also follows the guidelines provided here.
Rejection rate of Articles from last editions GEOSABERES
V. 9, Nº 19: 30%
V. 10, Nº 20: 23%
V. 10, Nº 21: 28%
V. 10, Nº 22: 33%
V. 11: 38%
V. 12: 39%
Geosaberes in other networks
Department of Geography - Pici Campus, 911 Block, Zip: 60440-900, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil
Phone: +55 (85) 3366 7045
Geosaberes is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 International.