ISSN: 2178-0463
Qualis: A2
Area: Geography
Geosaberes is a UFC Extension Project (registration no. 2020.PJ.0217/2024).
Papers submitted to GEOSABERES must be unpublished and original, resulting from scientific research that present consolidated results and discussions. The articles must present the following structure: a) Abstract; b) Introduction; c) Methodology (Methodological Procedures / Materials and Methods); d) Theoretical framework; e) Results / Discussions; f) Conclusion / Final Considerations; g) References; h) Acknowledgments (optional). Bibliographic review works or experience reports are not accepted.
The express content is the sole responsibility of the author, avoiding the journal of any responsibilities.
Articles must be submitted with full identification of all authors, according to the structure presented in TEMPLATE and reproduced below:
1 Professor, Postgraduate Program in Geography at the Federal University of Ceará (UFC).
Pici Campus, Block 911, ZIP: 60440-554, Fortaleza (CE), Brazil, Tel.: (+55 85) 3366.7000,, 8061
* Corresponding author
In order to preserve the authors' identity, information will be deleted at the evaluation stage, returning to the manuscript if it is approved. The first author must be the corresponding author.
Authors must verify the submission's compliance with all items listed below.
a) The works must be in the .docx extension and have a maximum of 5 MB;
b) The typing of the original must obey the following standard:
- Have between 10 to 20 pages;
- Page in A4 format.
- It should not present any type of footnote, and all information relevant to the understanding of the text must be inserted in the body of the work.
- You must obey the structure presented in TEMPLATE, respecting the page margins, font sizes and types, as well as the alignment of the illustrations.
c) References must be in accordance with NBR 6023 / August 2002;
d) A minimum interval of 2 years must be observed for the submission of new articles by the same author who has previously published in GEOSABERES.
e) When submitting the manuscript, the completed form must be sent as complementary material, indicating five (5) possible evaluators of the submitted article, to be sent in "Step 2 - Transfer of the manuscript". If available for download HERE.
a) Title of the article: the title must be in Portuguese, English and a third foreign language (Spanish or French). It must be brief and sufficiently specific and descriptive. The use of subtitles next to the title of the work is not recommended;
b) Abstract: with a maximum of 900 characters (with spaces), they must constitute a single paragraph, containing a summary of the objectives, methodology, results and / or conclusions, followed by 3 to 5 keywords separated by a period (.). The abstract must be presented in 3 languages, namely: Portuguese, English and another foreign language (French or Spanish);
c) Tables: Send as editable text and not as images. Number the tables consecutively according to their appearance in the text and place the notes in the table below the body of the table. Be economical in the use of tables and verify that the data presented in them do not duplicate the results described in other parts of the article. Avoid using vertical rules and shading in the table cells;
d) Illustrations (photos, graphs, tables, charts, maps, etc.): They must be cited in single sequential numbers, indicated as "Figure" and inserted as close as possible to the section to which they refer;
e) References: Bibliographic references must be standardized in accordance with NBR 6023, prepared by ABNT. The title of the publication (title of the magazine, book, etc.) must be in bold. Italics or bold will not be accepted. It should be aligned to the left of the page margin;
f) Acknowledgments (optional): acknowledgments for aids received for the preparation of the work must be mentioned at the end of the article, after the references;
g) The formatting of the sections must follow the model provided in TEMPLATE.
a) Phases of the submission process: i) Submission; ii) Evaluation; iii) Layout editing (in case of approval); iv) Publication.
b) Possible results in the evaluation process: i) Approved; ii) Mandatory corrections; iii) Submit again for evaluation; iv) Submit to another magazine; v) Reject.
c) In the event of disputes arising throughout the submission process, GEOSABERES editors will contact the authors via email.
All articles must be submitted in the ARTICLES section.
- Estimated average time between the period of submission of the article and the return of the first evaluation round: 3 to 7 months;
- Estimated average time for publication of the article: 3 to 10 months.
General presentation rules
a) In citations, calls by the author's last name must be in upper and lower case and, when in parentheses, must be in capital letters;
Irony would thus be an implicit form of heterogeneity shown, according to the classification proposed by Authier-Reiriz (1982).
"Despite appearances, the deconstruction of logocentrism is not a psychoanalysis of philosophy [...]" (DERRIDA, 1967, p. 293).
b) In direct citations, it is mandatory to present the page number of the reference. In indirect citations, the indication of the page consulted is optional;
Lithium production begins at Searles Lake, California, in 1928 (MUMFORD, 1949).
Oliveira and Leonardo (1943, p. 146) say that the "[...] relationship between the São Roque series and the small porphyroid granites is very clear".
c) Indirect citations of several documents by several authors, mentioned simultaneously, must be separated by semicolons, in alphabetical order.
It polarizes and guides, in the form of collective demand, the needs of all (FONSECA, 19997; PAIVA, 1997; SILVA, 1997).
Reference models
GOMES, L. G. F. F. Novela e sociedade no Brasil. Niterói: EdUFF, 1988. 137p.
Book chapter:
ROMANO, Giovanni. Imagens da Juventude na era moderna. In: LEVI, G.; SCHMIDT, J. (Org.) História dos jovens 2. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 1996. p. 7-16.
CEARÁ. Secretaria do Meio Ambiente. Coordenadoria de Planejamento Ambiental. Estudo de Impacto Ambiental - EIA, Relatório de Impacto Ambiental - RIMA: manual de orientação. Fortaleza, 1989. 48p.
Journal Article:
LIMA, G. S.; ARAÚJO, J. P. Um estudo das variações da temperatura do solo via equação do calor. Rev. Bras. Ensino Fís., São Paulo, v. 41, n. 3, e20180245, 2019. Available from: <>. Access on: 27 May 2020.
Thesis or Dissertation:
ANDRADE, J. A. P. Pesca artesanal, turismo e impactos socioambientais: a percepção ambiental dos pescadores na APA Costa dos Corais (Alagoas/Brasil). 2020. 127 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Marinhas Tropicais) - Postgraduate Program in Tropical Marine Sciences, Institute of Marine Sciences (LABOMAR), Federal University of Ceará, Fortaleza, 2020.
Policy Proposal for Free Access Journals
Authors who publish in this journal agree to the following terms:
a. Authors retain the copyright and grant the journal the right of first publication, with the work simultaneously licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which allows the sharing of the work with acknowledgment of the authorship of the work and initial publication in this journal.
b. Authors are authorized to take additional contracts separately, for non-exclusive distribution of the version of the work published in this journal (eg publish in institutional repository or as a book chapter), with acknowledgment of authorship and initial publication in this journal.
c. Authors are allowed and encouraged to publish and distribute their work online (eg in institutional repositories or on their personal page) at any point before or during the editorial process, as this can generate productive changes, as well as increase the impact and The citation of published work (See The Effect of Free Access).
Department of Geography - Pici Campus, 911 Block, Zip: 60440-900, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil
Phone: +55 (85) 3366 7045
Geosaberes is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 International.