Geographical knowledge was built through voyages of discovery. Travel therefore soon became a preoccupation of geographers. In the same way, cinema has gained prominence in Geography, since it is conceived as a way of thinking about space. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the relationships between films, travel and spaces. This becomes more relevant today, when travel films gain space on streaming platforms, changing the geographical imaginary about the act of traveling, as well as about the world itself. In fact, image media, including movies, are modern ways of reading the world. Thus, this article aims to analyze the geographical discourses present in Toscana (2022), a travel film from the streaming platform Netflix. To do this, in addition to a bibliographic review on travel, film geographies and the Geography of communications, the article elaborates an interpretation of the film elements. It is concluded that the geographical imaginaries in the film are articulated in a game of otherness, in which there is an encounter / disagreement of the traveler with the local resident and, consequently, of their worldviews, their geographies, their ways of being.
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