Social representations: elos with knowledge, practices and youth in space geographique
In recent decades, debates about education in the contemporary world have emerged as a phenomenon that looks at the hope of social transformation in the face of emerging global and local problems, such as ethnic-racial diversity, environmental issues, territorialization, deterritorialization, identity crises, among others. On the other hand, their relationship with the discussion about youth protagonism has been based on the perspective of their feelings and participation in relation to the local community. Thus, through the research results of GIPRES, about the understanding of young people / students about the socio-spatial perception process of the Suburb Railroad of Salvador / BA, we seek in this theoretical article to reflect on the social practices of young people in space geographique. For this, it was necessary to approach the ideas of Moscovici (1961), about the nature, approaches, functions of representations and social practices articulated with the conceptions of social space of Lefebvre (2006; 2015) and lived space of Bomfim (2009). In this movement, we anchor in the finite considerations the sociological conception of youths with our idea of conceptual basis of the S: Knowledge and Practices Sustainable Socio-educational, Youth and Youth and Socio-educational Spaces in / to the Suburb.
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