Traditional communities situated in mangrove forests near the coast have developed a way of life based on ecosystem services associated with various uses and activities (firewood extraction, artisanal fishing, crab and clam harvesting, etc.). The importance of food security and sovereignty is frequently mentioned in the context of small-scale fishing but has seldom been articulated as an explicit objective. The present work identifies a knowledge gap concerning the profits generated by artisanal exploitation, which are not recorded in official statistics. We compiled economic data from Cumbe and Curral Velho, in the state of Ceará (Brazil), using a combination of techniques (tracking tables, interviews, zoning and questionnaires). Fishermen typically work up to 5 hours a day for 4.6 days a week, working 23 hours/week, and earning € 127.20/week or € 5.53€/hour of work. It is concluded that the artisanal fishing carried out by coastal communities is not only economically viable but competes directly with industrial monocultures in terms of monetary income and workers’ leisure time.
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