
The distinctive feature of higher geography education in Ukraine is that specialists in geography are trained at two types of educational institutions: classical and purely pedagogical universities. Classical universities focus more on shaping geography competences during educational trainings while pedagogical ones aim to ensure mastery of the geography teaching methods. A classical university offers more thorough practical training due to the fact that they have their own training bases and stations. One of the challenges in cultivating geography-related competences during educational practical trainings is the need to upgrade the algorithm for conducting such trainings, increase their frequency and agreement with the theoretical component of the students' training.

Author Biographies

Vadym Luniachek, Ukrainian Engineering-Pedagogical Academy

Head of the Department of Creative Pedagogics and Intellectual Property of the Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy, Doctor of Education, Full Professor.

Kateryna Borysenko, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Head of H.P. Dubynskyi Educational Lab of Physical Geography, Geoecology and Geography Subjects Teaching Methods, Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Geography and Cartography at the School of Geology, Geography, Recreation and Tourism of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, PhD in pedagogical sciencies

Tetyana Varenko, Kharkiv City Council

Head of Monitoring and Information Analysis Division of Department for Cooperation with International Agencies and Financial Institutions, Kharkiv City Council, PhD in pedagogical sciences, associate professor.


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How to Cite
LUNIACHEK, Vadym; BORYSENKO, Kateryna; VARENKO, Tetyana. EDUCATIONAL TRAININGS FOR FUTURE GEOGRAPHY TEACHERS: UKRAINIAN PERSPECTIVE. Geosaberes, Fortaleza, v. 11, p. 406 - 422, june 2020. ISSN 2178-0463. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 30 jan. 2025. doi: