Working spacialization in the pedagogy course: theoretical discussion and practical experience report


The teaching of Geography is one of the elements presents in the training courses of Pedagogues in Brazil, along with other knowledge necessary and pertinent to the practice of these professionals with the students. This article discusses one of the aspects analyzed in the formative context of the Pedagogues, which is knowledge about the concepts of Geography, especially the geographic space, a concept of extreme relevance in the scope of Geographic Science. To that end, theoretical aspects were discussed, as well as an account of didactic experience carried out with the scholars of the mentioned course at the Federal University of the South Frontier - UFFS, Chapecó, in the year 2017. The practical activity was carried out provide subsidies so that the academics could develop and apply methodologies in the classroom, based on the knowledge about spatialization.

Author Biography

Luana Caroline Kunast Polon, Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná, Brasil
Mestra em Geografia (Unioeste).


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How to Cite
POLON, Luana Caroline Kunast. Working spacialization in the pedagogy course: theoretical discussion and practical experience report. Geosaberes, Fortaleza, v. 8, n. 16, p. 132 - 141, sep. 2017. ISSN 2178-0463. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 13 mar. 2025. doi:


Pedagogia; Espaço Geográfico; Didática; Geografia.