Proposals for colaborative mapping as strategies for geography teaching


The development of computer science and communication has promoted a new scope of Cartography, with the diffusion and construction of maps through Internet browsers. Because the collaborative mapping practices are still incipient in the school environment, the objective of the present work is to present proposals for the use of this technology in teaching-learning in Geography. For this, are presented the learnings in the National Common Curricular Base for Primary Education that can be covered by the use of collaborative mapping platforms and some examples of the use of Google My Maps are indicated. The use of online collaborative mapping platforms in education demonstrates the access and the instrumentation in technologies that can later be used for everyday life, the exercise of citizenship and the world of work.

Author Biography

Diego Tarley Ferreira Nascimento, Federal University of Goiás (UFG), Brazil

Professor do Instituto de Estudos Socioambientais da Universidade Federal de Goiás (IESA/UFG).


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How to Cite
NASCIMENTO, Diego Tarley Ferreira. Proposals for colaborative mapping as strategies for geography teaching. Geosaberes, Fortaleza, v. 10, n. 22, p. 49 - 61, sep. 2019. ISSN 2178-0463. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 10 mar. 2025. doi: