Landscape approach for students with visual deficiency: pathways for a curriculum that goes beyond traditional geography
The present article presents the result of a methodological proposal to work the landscape category in Geography classes for students with visual impairment. The research was carried out in four stages: interview with a professional of the Nucleus of Assistance to People with Special Educational Needs (NAPNEE) of the University College of the Federal University of Maranhão (COLUN), dialogue with a blind student; (SASSAKI, 2003), Sena and Carmo (2005), Santos and Chiapetti (2014), among others. In this paper we present a discussion of the methodology and finally the application of the pedagogical intervention focused on the field teaching tool. As a result, there is the methodological practice that provides experiences in the geographic space, discussing the characteristics of the landscape in the perception of the blind student, besides the reflection on the inclusion of these students in the geography classes.
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